We’re in a wonderful position of having land – the hard work is done! Next comes fundraising for baskets, mounting the baskets, pads/marked areas to ‘tee off’ from, signage at each tee, and general welcome signage.

Baskets range from $300 to $500, depending on durability. A conservative estimate for 18 baskets is approximately $5,400.

Pads are typically 5′ x 8′ or larger, and can be constructed from simple 4″x4″ treated wood outlines to concrete. A 4″ thick concrete pad would range from $70 to $100 each ($1,800 entire course), while wood would be between $30 and $40 per tee ($720 entire course).

Large, main signage with the courses name, information, and basic layout would range from $100 to several hundred, again depending on durability.

Signage at each tee pad is estimated $40 to $100 each, depending again on durability and content ($1,800 course).

That brings our course total to $7,000 best-case to well over $10,000 for a long-lasting, durable venue!

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