
The only thing you need to purchase to play disc golf is…discs! Discs range anywhere from a few dollars each – especially in a bulk starter pack – to more typically $10 to $15. Seasoned players may spend $20 or $30 per disc. Starters will want a ‘putter’, and ‘mid range’ or ‘driver’ disc – so figure $20 to $30 total to start with the sport of disc golf!

A course, on the other hand, is a bit more expensive. A single basket can cost as much as $500, plus course maintenance, tee pads, signage, etc.

Learn more about anticipated course costs…

Get Involved!

Interested in being part of bringing disc golf to Monona?! Or, would you like to donate funds or time to make our course a reality?!

Learn more about our plans through the ‘blog’ posts on this site, then get in touch!
